Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

My Beloved University

Universiti Utara Malaysia logo.jpg
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) was established on 16 February 1984 under the Universiti Utara Malaysia 1984 Order (Statutory). The university was corporatised on 23 April 1998. The university is located in SintokKedah. The university was established with the specific mission of providing a leadership role for management education in the country. Thus, the university is also known as a management university.
My University is one of the best university in Malaysia especially in business and management related programs.
This is good first step of me to pursue the higher level of academic in order to become global graduate.
My university is different than the other university because my Univ has golf field and go carts field,and you cant find other university as unique as our univ.
if you have interest in business and management programs,you are highly recommended to enroll this University.This Univ also has many international students from more than 40 countries,so you can feel international athmosphere throughout our University.If you still need specific information regarding to my University,dont hesitate to cantact me(althouh i dont really know much).But i'll devote all my efforts to answer it.

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